Welcome to the CRC 1608 Convide

Modern cyber-physical systems (CPS) such as cars, airplanes, or smart home systems integrate computational processes with physical processes. These CPS comprise of many electronic, mechanical, and software-controlled components, posing difficult challenges for the design of such complex systems. Not only is there a need for modern CPS to be highly dependable, configurable, and flexible. At the same time, these systems can only function if all parts interact seamlessly. As a result, individual developers find it increasingly difficult to control the complexity of modern CPS, even at an abstract architectural level. For this reason, so-called “views” of the system – sub-models that are specific to the developer’s task – are used during development.
Since there exist manifold dependencies between these views, there is urgent need for novel consistency-maintaining methods in Advanced Systems Engineering. To meet these demands, the Collaborative Research Center “Consistency in the View-Based Development of Cyber-Physical Systems” (Convide) brings together researchers with a background in computer science, mechanical engineering, and electrical engineering from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Technical University Munich, Technical University Dresden, and the University of Mannheim. Together, they are developing methods that aim to shorten development cycles and update intervals as well as to improve the adaptability, reliability, and security of modern CPS.

On 12 Dec 2024, Convide held its yearly Winter Colloquium. Carried out at the brand new InformatiKOM building at KIT, the meeting provided the whole team ample opportunity for scientific exchange both internally as well as with two distinguished guests who offered fascinating insight into their respective groups' work.
Learn moreOn 31 Oct and 1 Nov 2024, the 8th International Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (ICSM) was held in Shanghai. At the conference, Prof. Dr. Albert Albers, Convide PI and head of IPEK - Institute for Product Development, delivered a keynote, showcasing approaches and methods for maintaining consistency in complex product engineering processes.
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Ina Schaefer, deputy spokesperson of Convide and chairwoman of the German expert group "Transformation of the Automotive Industry", has been featured in the SWR's TV program "Zur Sache", calling for renewed political and societal efforts to combat the current crisis of the German automotive sector.
Watch (Minute 30)
Responding to current debates, Alexander Pretschner, Professor of Software and Systems Engineering at TU Munich and Convide PI, has contributed an insightful article to Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. In it, he argues skillfully why large language models will assist - but cannot replace - software engineers.
Article (German)
A delegation of fourteen Convide researchers is visiting this year’s International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS) in Linz, Austria. In total, eleven publications were accepted, making 2024 a successful year for the CRC.
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Convide's spokesperson Prof. Dr. Ralf Reussner was invited as a keynote speaker to this year’s European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA). In his lecture, Prof. Reussner undertook a SWOT analysis of software engineering as a field, emphasizing its role in helping to overcome challenges in systems engineering.
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