Convide Winter Colloquium, 12 Dec 2024

On 12 December 2024, the Collaborative Research Center 1608: Consistency in the View-Based Development of Cyber-Physical Systems held its yearly Winter Colloquium. Carried out at the brand new InformatiKOM building at KIT, the meeting provided Convide researchers ample opportunity for scientific exchange both internally as well as with two distinguished guests who offered fascinating insight into their respective group’s work.
In his opening talk titled Dealing with Consistency Management in Industry, Antonio Cicchetti (Mälardalen University) explored the important question of how, when collaborating with industry partners, the “right level” of consistency management can be adopted. Based on research experiences ranging from strict/fully automated consistency management to weak/partially automated consistency, Prof. Cicchetti highlighted the ways in which industrial settings have significant impact on the management level suitable for adoption.

In his keynote lecture titled Modeling and Engineering of Cyber-Physical Systems: Challenges and Recent Advances, Gabor Karsai (Vanderbilt University) reviewed the main ideas for physical system modeling (that is typically acausal), for modeling computations and communication (that is typically causal), for modeling the platform (that establishes the connection between the physical world and the model of computation), and the model integration problem. Holding the promise of effectively addressing these problems, Prof. Karsai, one of the eminent authorities in the field, gave extensive insight into recent advances achieved and tools developed by his team.
At the research area presentations and the poster sessions, all Convide projects presented the progress that was achieved throughout the last year as well as current challenges that the fourteen projects have been working on solving. Through extensive exchange, the whole CRC – now comprising of more than fifty researchers and seventeen Principal Investigators – was brought up to speed on recent progress and achievements. At the same time, the Convide team explored how each researcher’s expertise could be used for new cross-project collaboration to overcome current and future challenges.
If you are interested in Convide's work, the presentation can be downloaded here.