Convide Winter Colloquium
Antonio Cicchetti: Dealing With Consistency Management in Industry
Abstract: The development of complex software systems inherently entails the collaboration of multiple stakeholders. Whenever development artefacts are the result of distributed efforts it emerges the issue of managing (in-)consistencies. Adopting model-driven methodologies positively impacts consistency management thanks to the power of abstraction and higher degree of automation. Nonetheless, determining what is “the right level” of consistency management to be adopted is not a straightforward decision. In this talk, I will present research experiences ranging from strict/fully automated consistency management to weak/partially automated consistency; the intent is to highlight how industrial settings can have a large impact on the management level suitable to be adopted.
Bio: Antonio Cicchetti is an Associate Professor at Mälardalen University, Västerås (Sweden). He has more than twenty years research experience in Model-Driven Engineering both related to foundations and technological applications. His research interests include modelling languages engineering and evolution, model transformations, multi-paradigm/multi-view modelling, model versioning, combination of MDE and CBSE for complex systems, industrial software and systems engineering, and software engineering (for) gamification.